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The Filthy Lucre Tour
Grant (26th May 2006)
Photo of Chris reading a book
Kiki how did you manage it? That photo of Chris makes him look intellectual (well almost).
Dimitrios (25th May 2006)
Very nice indeed
Hey man (and woman) I have checked your website, its very nice indeed... I didn't have the time to read all the sh** you are having there but I 've checked the photos and I have to admit that I got a bit jealous... you are so fucking crazy both of you. keep on going.
By the way it was definetely mixalis who told you to go to hooters... this is were we had our nice dinner when the two of us went to interlaken...
Chris (23rd May 2006)
Under the Frog
As the guy who recommended UTF I'm a tad disappointed you didn't think more of it.

I read it years ago and there are still things from it that I regularly recall ("Life's too short to read the merely good books.." for example). My theory was that the central character was based on the author's father though, without a copy to hand, I can't provide any evidence for that now. [Just checked Wikipedia: TF's parents were Hungarian basketball players.]

Whereas The Thought Gang is more playful (and Ed is right about his others; they have strayed too far into wilful construction) what separates UTF is the emotional heart of the novel, the love affair at the centre of it. I found a great deal of it wish-I-had-thought-of-that funny, apart from the sad bits that is.

I did OK on your word list; there's a splendid catafalque at Kensal Green cemetery (go when the catacombs are open).
Ed (23rd May 2006)
My Postcard
I loved "Under the Frog". You should read "The Thought Gang" too, if you haven't already. It's worth it if only for the briliiant concept of the "getaway lunch". It does have a lot of obscure words in it too, but at least they all start with z, so you don't have to flick too far in the dictionary.

The rest of his stuff (Journey to the End of the Room, Don't Read this Book if You're Stupid, The Collector Collector) is not so impressive.

Anyway, these are the ones I knew:

epistemological - related to theory of knowledge
plenitude - more than enough
ozymandiased - made irrelevant by time (like Ozymandias, king of kings - I think he made this one up)
vituperating - slagging something off
fulminated - ranted

ontogeny - development of an individual
phylogeny - development of a species

[ presumably these in the phrase "ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny", which means that by observing human embryos develop then lose gills, tails, etc. we can deduce things about our evolutionary past ]

badinage - banter
sesquipedalian - polysyllabic
imprecations - curses
manumittance - act of giving a slave freedom

I didn't know these ones, but I have looked them up as a service:

catafalque - raised funeral bier
obsequies - funeral rites
presentment - act of submitting / presenting something
aposiopesis - breaking off mid-sentence
eructations - belches

Do I win a prize?
The short welsh one (22nd May 2006)
Missed vocation
You've certainly missed your vocation Chris. You should be a writer!

or maybe a mechanic
Jakob (19th May 2006)
Fan clutch. Which you have a higher likelihood of knowing what is than me.
Dan (17th May 2006)
How exactly did you manage to avoid the bouldering? Every rock in the forest is daubed with paint..I suppose I feel slightly responsible as we'd packed our guidebook and maps...even so...slightly disappointed in your lack of adventure.
Andrew (15th May 2006)
Car woes
Congratulations on surviving your car ordeal.

A bit disappointed you haven't managed to find any *really* silly entries on restaurant menus. Maybe when you head a bit further north...
Michael (13th May 2006)
Interlaken entertainment
Nice work on the car - hope it turns out well. If you make it to Interlaken (if you are still going) don't forget to visit the Hooters bar there - it's THE spot to be seen in that fashionable Swiss town.
Kiki (13th May 2006)
I would like to say that my contribution to the car repair story was much greater than Chris seems to imply, cheeky monkey... as I was the one to find the initail radiator broken pieces... plus carrying 5ltr of water back to car up a steep hill was quite tiring... tststs! maybe I shouldn't marry the daft man!