Module: | Queue |
Description: | Queue class. Can do FIFO or LIFO, any sort of objects/vars. |
' By Chris Rae, 6/11/01
' The queues produced are one element too large - this
' is deliberate as it hugely simplifies the logic involved
' in handling empty ones.
Option Explicit
Const qtLIFO = 1
Const qtFIFO = 2
Const defqueuesize = 100
Const defqueuetype = qtFIFO
Private topidx As Integer ' Where the NEXT thing goes on top
Private bumidx As Integer ' Where the CURRENT thing is at the bottom
Private qtype As Integer
Private alldata() As Variant
Private qsize As Long
' The different queue types
Property Get qLIFO() As Integer
End Property
Property Get qFIFO() As Integer
End Property
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
qtype = qFIFO
End Sub
Public Sub Reset(Optional oftype As Integer = defqueuetype, Optional ofsize As Long = defqueuesize)
' FIFO (queue) by default
qsize = ofsize + 1
qtype = oftype
ReDim alldata(0 To qsize) As Variant
topidx = 0
bumidx = 0
End Sub
Public Sub Push(topush As Variant)
' If the next item would overlap the current bottom one, stop
If ((topidx + 1) Mod qsize) = bumidx Then
Err.Raise vbObjectError + 1, , "Queue overflow"
alldata(topidx) = topush
topidx = ((topidx + 1) Mod qsize)
End If
End Sub
Public Function IsEmpty() As Boolean
IsEmpty = (bumidx = topidx)
End Function
Public Function IsFull() As Boolean
IsFull = (((topidx + 1) Mod qsize) = bumidx)
End Function
Public Function Pop() As Variant
If bumidx = topidx Then
Err.Raise vbObjectError + 1, , "Queue underflow"
If qtype = qFIFO Then
Pop = alldata(bumidx)
bumidx = ((bumidx + 1) Mod qsize)
topidx = topidx - 1
Pop = alldata(topidx)
End If
End If
End Function
You're free to use these routines for anything you want - all I ask is that for commercial use you give me credit somewhere. You may instead want to head back to the index for my Visual Basic for Applications Pages or the main routines archive page.