Seems a shame not to round this off, so here it is. This is the end of the blog. I`ve had a great time writing it, but I think there`s a point at which you have to accept that people aren`t going to be too interested in "got up, went to work again" blog entries. If you`ve become addicted to travel blogs you might want to read our friend Sarah`s round-the-world blog - That will be a hyperlink if the people at GetJealous paid attention to my requests.
Many thanks to all of you who posted entries on the message board - when you`re travelling it`s easy to convince yourself that nobody is actually reading your prose, and it`s wonderfully relieving to log in and find entries on the site. And thanks to those of you who managed to make our wedding - we had a great time; hope you did too.
The next time we do something like this, you`ll be the first to know.